As an installer, work easier and smarter with an energy management system
The installation world is changing rapidly due to developments such as digitalisation and the energy transition. Where you used to install and maintain mainly central heating boilers, gas pipes and water pipes as an installer, you now have to deal with solar panels, heat pumps, digital meters and apps, battery systems, EV chargers and even wind turbines. How do you respond smartly to these changes? Can an energy management system (EMS) help you as an installer, and how exactly does an EMS work? Find out more about that in this blog.
Welcome to the world of real-time monitoring
Not only the type of technical installations you install has evolved in recent years. Your customers' questions and needs also change with them. Think of user questions about the heat pump not supplying enough heat. Or the customer who wants to optimise his energy consumption because of peak loads, or a surplus of generated energy. To relieve your customers in this changing market and continue to provide optimal service, it is important that your role as an installer changes with them. One way of ensuring this is by taking steps into the world of real-time monitoring.
Finding your way in the sprawl
Indeed, many installation companies want to focus more on monitoring. But they suffer from the proliferation of options and applications they encounter from customers, manufacturers and in the market. As a result, instead of being easier, it becomes increasingly challenging to oversee all these different devices efficiently and effectively. At WattMaestro, we know this challenge inside out and have developed a solution for it. With the WattMaestro energy management system (EMS), you have a single brand-independent dashboard that provides insight and analysis into the performance of all your customers' technical installations. A dashboard that allows you to remotely see exactly where any problem is occurring, or what could be done smarter.
'For installers, a lot is changing. Installers used to mainly install appliances, now they suddenly have to help and relieve their customers in the multifaceted world of real-time monitoring.'
- Simon Levi Kuhry, Project & Product Manager at WattMaestro

With an EMS, you support your customer in energy optimisation
WattMaestro is a brand-independent energy management system for the installer of tomorrow. It links your customers' technical installations to current energy prices. This allows you to digitally and remotely monitor, manage and optimise your customers' energy consumption. Especially now that grid congestion poses issues for companies - such as the risk of fines and a shortage of grid connections - you can use an EMS to unburden your customers. Among other things, WattMaestro offers the possibility for curtailment, dynamic power control, and optimisation based on the flexible energy tariff.
Find out more about WattMaestro's capabilities

4 advantages of WattMaestro
With WattMaestro, you make your services better for your customers and easier for your team. Discover 4 benefits:
- Integrate more than 300 types of devices in 1 platform
WattMaestro is brand-independent. As a result, you are not tied to a specific brand, supplier or product type. So your customer retains the flexibility to purchase the solar panels or EV chargers they want, and you can integrate all installations of all projects into the same platform.
- Remote plant management
With WattMaestro, you monitor and manage energy installations remotely. Thanks to real-time monitoring, you can quickly intervene in any anomaly problems and optimise the performance of installations - while not having to be physically on site.
- Offer your customer extra security and service
With WattMaestro's gateway - the BACE - your customers' energy installations are better protected against cyber attacks. So you provide extra service as well as security.
- Benefit from 20 years of IoT knowledge
WattMaestro was developed by Evalan - a leading specialist in Internet of Things (IoT) solutions with 20 years of experience. Similar gateway and cloud solutions from Evalan have been used for years in various other sectors and application areas. As a result, you as an installer can count on expert support and continuous further development.
How does WattMaestro work?
You install WattMaestro in five simple steps:
- Check that the energy installations are compatible
Our system is brand-independent, but not every device manufacturer allows external data reading. See our reference list or contact us for a free check.
- Connect the BACE gateway
- Create a user account
You can create an account for both your installation company and your customer - Set desired values
What is the maximum amount of power your customer can generate or feed back to the grid? Above what energy price do you not want the battery to charge? Depending on your customer's needs and contract arrangements, there are several options for optimising energy consumption.
- Monitor installations remotely
Want to know more? Check out the FAQ for installers