
Frequently asked questions on this topic


What is Curtailment?

Traditional curtailment in energy management, refers to the deliberate reduction of energy production or consumption to avoid overloading the power grid. It acts as a kind of traffic light for energy, temporarily adjusting power to avoid 'congestion' in the grid.

In the world of energy transition, curtailment is playing an increasingly important role. This technique in the fight against grid congestion, forms a cornerstone of WattMaestro's innovative approach.

The need for curtailment

The explosive growth of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power poses new challenges to the power grid. Overproduction on sunny or windy days and shortages during cloudy, windless periods require flexible solutions. Curtailment provides an answer to these fluctuations.

Recent figures from TenneT, the Dutch grid operator, show that the number of times when curtailment was necessary increased by 45% in 2023 compared to the previous year. This underlines the growing need for advanced management systems such as WattMaestro.

How WattMaestro converts curtailment to intelligent curtailment

WattMaestro has transformed traditional curtailment into intelligent curtailment, allowing companies to optimise their energy production and reduce costs.

Intelligent curtailment allows companies to make informed choices about their energy production. WattMaestro identifies the most suitable sources to curtail, taking into account costs and contractual obligations.

By using advanced algorithms, WattMaestro:

  1. Optimal matching of energy production: energy production is accurately matched to current grid capacity, allowing companies to reduce costs and increase efficiency.
  2. Effective management of excess energy: Excess energy production can be temporarily reduced (curtailment), which helps companies avoid incurring costs due to unprocessed energy.
  3. Smart distribution of energy flows: Energy flows are strategically distributed among different sources and consumers, leading to better resource utilisation and lower operational costs.
  4. Rapid response to dynamic energy prices: Through real-time monitoring and adjustments, companies can avoid exceeding contract limits. This allows companies to avoid penalties for overproduction, protecting their profitability.
  5. Meeting contractual obligations through real-time adjustments.

WattMaestro's approach to intelligent curtailment also contributes to sustainability. By minimising energy losses and maximising efficiency, it helps companies not only reduce their costs but also their carbon footprint.

With this innovative solution, WattMaestro has enabled companies to optimise their energy management and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Benefits for companies and grid operators

For companies implementing WattMaestro, this means an active role in stabilising the power grid. This can lead to cost savings and even new revenue streams through flexibility markets. Grid operators, in turn, benefit from a more stable grid and may be able to defer or reduce investments in grid expansion.

WattMaestro is constantly refining their algorithms to perfect this balance. We see curtailment not as a final solution, but as an essential part of a broader, integrated energy management system. Combined with energy storage, demand response and smart grid technologies, it forms the basis for a robust, flexible and sustainable energy system.


Frequently asked questions

We have collected the most common questions about curtailment for you. If your question is not among them, do not hesitate to contact WattMaestro.

WattMaestro's advanced algorithms optimise energy flows in a way that promotes both business efficiency and grid stability, creating a win-win situation for both businesses and grid operators.

WattMaestro is designed to monitor and manage the output of various renewable energy sources. The system optimises the integration of various sources such as wind and solar power into the grid, providing a more stable and efficient energy supply.

WattMaestro integrates real-time market price data to optimise energy production, taking advantage of price spikes and minimising curtailment during periods of negative electricity prices.

Curtailment is often measured as a percentage of potential energy production that is not utilised. It can also be expressed in absolute terms, such as megawatt hours (MWh) of lost production.

Curtailment can take place for several reasons:

  1. Insufficient demand for electricity
  2. Network capacity constraints
  3. System stability and reliability
  4. Mostly due to economic reasons (e.g. low or negative electricity prices)
  5. Transmission restrictions

No, curtailment of power generation has been occurring since the beginning of the electricity industry. However, it has become more prominent with the rise of variable renewables such as wind and solar.

WattMaestro, as a smart energy management system, offers various functionalities to minimise curtailment. The integration with the WattMaestro system enables instant insight and remote management.

As a dynamic management system, WattMaestro adjusts energy flows in real-time based on grid conditions and market demand, optimising the balance between generation, storage and distribution.

WattMaestro coordinates the deployment of battery storage systems, storing excess energy during low demand and using it during peak demand or grid congestion.

Energy storage can store excess energy during periods of high production and low demand, to be used later when demand is higher. This can significantly reduce the need for curtailment.

  • Positive: Encourages investment in energy storage and grid improvements, which is beneficial in the long run for the transition to clean energy.
  • Helps with net stability.

The Gateway to Smart Energy Management

WattMaestro is een slim energiebeheersysteem.
The link that connects all equipment. Brand-independent. For all energy devices such as solar panels, charging stations, inverters, heat pumps and batteries. Conveniently in one software platform with dedicated hardware.

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